Hello, welcome!
I am an experimental Condensed Matter Physicist in the Department of Engineering and Materials Physics at the Institute of Chemical Technology Indian Oil Campus (ICT-IOC) in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
I was educated in India primarily in Bhubaneswar and Bangalore. I studied M.Sc. Physics at Utkal University and Doctor Of Philosophy, Indian Institute of Science (IISc).
Before coming to ICT-IOC, I spent 5 years as DST-INSPIRE faculty at Utkal University (Physics Dept.) and 1 year at CIPET, Bhubaneswar.
Asst. Professor in Physics at APEX Institute of Technology and Management, Pahala, Bhubaneswar. I taught "Physics of Semiconductor Device" to the B.Tech students. (1 year 2month)
Guest faculty in the Physics Department, Utkal University from January 2012-May 2012. I taught Statistical Physics to the M.Sc. students. (5months)
DST-INSPIRE Faculty at Physics Department, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar from 2nd July 2012-30th June 2017. I taught the courses Advanced Condensed Matter Physics (special paper), Mathematical Methods in Physics, Statistical Physics, Modern Physics and Optics Lab, Condensed Matter Lab. (5 years)
Asst. Professor in Physics at CIPET, HLC, Bhubaneswar from 17.07.2017-11.10.2018. I taught the subjects Physics, Semiconductor Physics, Materials Science to M.Sc. Tech (Material Science) students. (1 year 3month)
Asst. Professor in Physics at ICT-IOC, Bhubaneswar from 22.10.2018. I am teaching the subjects Physics to Int. M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) students.
Currently working as Associate Professor in Physics at ICT-IOC, Bhubaneswar from 22.10.2021. I am teaching the subjects Physics to Int. M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) students.
Research Associate at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, (1st August 2009- 30th April 2011) 1 year 9 month.
Research Scholar
(2004 –2009)
Department of Physics
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – 560 012, India
Title of the thesis: Photo and thermal-induced studies on Sb/As2S3 multilayered and (As2S3)1-xSbx thin films.
Thesis advisor: Professor K. S. Sangunni.
Master of Science in Physics (2001 – 2003)
P.G Department of Physics
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, India
Ist class
Bachelor of Science in Physics Hons (1998 – 2001)
S. V. M College, Utkal University
Bhubaneswar, India
Ist class with Distinction
+2 Science (1996-1998)
Ravenshaw College, Cuttack, India
1st class
HSC Exam (1996)
Nalibar High School, BSE, Orissa
1st class
To do research in “Thin film semiconductor devices and their characterization". Specifically, I am interested in:
Photo-induced inter-diffusion in amorphous multilayer thin films.
Optical and Non-linear optical effects in Amorphous semiconductors
Topological insulating materials
Ion irradiation studies on chalcogenide materials
Solar cell materials
Nano structured amorphous materials
Hands-on experience in handling CW lasers like He-Ne, Ar+ Ion, DPSS Laser, Pulsed nanosecond Nd-YAG & picosecond Ti: Saphire lasers
Thin-film growth using thermal and flash evaporation techniques
Preparation of bulk glasses by melt quenching technique,
Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Modulated DSC techniques
X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
Spectroscopy – X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy
UV-Visible and FTIR study at room temperature as well as at low temperature(4.2 K)
Data analysis software packages such as Casa XPS, ORIGIN, XPSPeak 4.1