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Invited Talks

 1.  National Seminar on "Current Trends in Physics": Photo-induced effects in amorphous chalcogenide materials,  Physics         Department, Utkal University, 3rd January 2015.

 2.  National Seminar on "Recent Trends in Physics": Laser-induced optical   properties change in   in Amorphous

     Chalcogenide Thin Films, Maharshi College of  Natural Law, 13th -14th  Feb. 2016.

 3.  Resource person in Refresher course in Basic sciences " From nanoscience to cosmology" from  22nd February-14th March            2017, Physics Department, Utkal  University.

4.  National Seminar on “Functional Materials for Emerging    Technologies”: Title of talk-  Silver doped amorphous                        semiconducting materials for optical applications,  Silicon Institute of  Technology, 1st -2nd  March 2019.  

5.  Department Seminar at S.V.M. College: “Energy Matter interaction in amorphous semiconductors” on  28.02.2020. 

6.  Short-term course in Nanophotonics: Materials, Devices and Applications on 6-7th February 2021 @CIPET, Bhubaneswar.

7.  Short-term course on “Application of Advanced Nanomaterials in Science and Engineering (AANSE- 2021)”-Title of talk-           Basics of nanomaterials and its application in  Industrial sectors on 5-6th May 2021.@CIPET Bhubaneswar

8.  Invited Talk on  "Nanostructured Metal based Chalcogenide materials for Multifunctional applications" in the national seminar

       on "Recent Trends in Science for Sustainable  Development"  at GIET University, Gunupur on 21.04.23.

9.  Invited talk on " Basics of Nanomaterials and Current Research for Multifunctional  Applications" at MSCB University,  Baripada on 24th         May 2023.

10. Resource Person talk on " Thin films and their optical properties for Photonic applications"  for FDP programme on 25th May 2023 at

      MSCB University, Baripada on 25th May 2023.

11Invited Talk on  "Thin films and their different applications" in the Internship Program on "Computational Physics, Materials

      Characterizations, and Electronics" at Physics Department, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar on 16.07.24.

12Invited Talk on  "Basics of Nanomaterials and its Multifunctional applications" in the Internship Program on "Computational

       Physics, Materials Characterizations, and Electronics" at Physics Department, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar on 19.07.24.

13Invited Lecture on  "XRD, FESEM, TEM and EDS Characterization Techniques: An Introduction, Overview and  Result

  Analysis" in the Internship Program on "Computational Physics, Materials Characterizations, and Electronics" at Physics Department, Utkal

        University, Bhubaneswar on 24.07.24.

14. Invited Lecture on  "UV-Visible-NIR spectroscopy, Contact Angle, XPS Techniques for Materials Characterization"

      in the Internship Program on "Computational Physics, Materials Characterizations, and Electronics" at the Physics Department, Utkal

        University, Bhubaneswar on 29.07.24.

15. Invited Lecture on  "Progress in Materials Chemistry and its Multifunctional Applications"  5 days Teachers' Training in

     Chemistry" at Chemistry Department, SOA University, Bhubaneswar on 22.01.25.

16. Expert talk on  "Transition Metal Chalcogenides for Multifunctional Applications"  in one-day symposium on Advances in the

      Materials Science and Engineering 2025" at  IIT  Bhubaneswar on 07.02.25.



Work Presentation at International Conferences:

1.      16th International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses, 2008, Montpellier, France.

2.     17th International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses, 2010, Ningbo, China.

3.    4th International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and  Applications Budapest, Hungary (2010)

4.    International Workshop on Functional Materials, December 20-22, 2011, NIST, Berhampur.

5.    International Conference on Materials Science and Technology,10-14 June 2012, Kerala

6.    IUMRS-ICA 13, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2013

7.    International Conference on Emerging Materials and Processes, IMMT, Bhubaneswar,27-28 February,2014

8.    3rd International Conference on   Physics at  Surfaces and Interfaces,23-28 February 2014, Puri, India.

9.   International Conference on Materials Science & Technology, 1-4 March 2016, Delhi University

10.   International Conference on Smart Materials & Applications, 15-17 December 2016, SOA University

11.    International Workshop on Advanced Materials 2017, NIST, Berhampur

Work Presentation  at National Conferences:

1.     51st Solid State Physics Symposium, Bhopal, India (2006)

2.    53rd Solid State Physics Symposium, BARC, Mumbai, India, December 16-20 (2008)

3.    54th Solid State Physics Symposium, Baroda, December 14-18, (2009)

4.    55th Solid State Physics Symposium, Manipal, December 26-30 (2010)

5.    56th Solid State Physics Symposium, December 19-23, SRM University (2011)

6.    99th Indian Science Congress,3-7 January 2012, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.

7.    57th Solid State Physics Symposium, December 3-7, IIT Mumbai (2012)

8.    Recent Trends in Condensed Matter Physics February 8-9, 2014. SOA University, (2014)

9.    Recent Trends in Condensed Matter Physics, February 8-9, 2014. SOA University, (2014)

10.   59th DAE SSPS Symposium, 2014, December 16-20, VIT, India  

11.    60th DAE SSPS Symposium, Amity University, December 21-25, 2015.

12.  Recent Trends in Physics, Maharishi College of Natural Law, 13th Feb, 2016

13.   61st DAE SSPS Symposium, KIIT University, December 26-30, 2016  

14.   63rd DAE SSPS Symposium, GJUST University, Hisar, December 18-22, 2018  

15.   64thDAE SSPS Symposium, IIT Jodhpur, December 18-22, 2019 






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