The linear and nonlinear optical properties of chalcogenide thin films have recently become the focus of growing scientific and technological interest. In particular, chalcogenide films have large optical nonlinearity and sub-picosecond response time. However, they are far from being inducted into a real-time application, as they are highly sensitive to bandgap light. The interaction of light-matter is prominent in case of chalcogenide films giving rise to photoinduced effects like Photobleaching and Photodarkening. Moreover, the magnitude of the light-induced effects is much larger than any other cumulative effects like thermal nonlinearity. The prime focus of my research group at ICT-IOC Bhubaneswar is to explore experimentally the underlying phenomena behind the various nonlinear optical responses of chalcogenide films and to tune their structural, optical, and morphological properties for various optoelectronic applications.
Nonlinear study: Ultrafast effects in semiconductors, optical control of multi-photon absorption, Electro-optic effects, Generation and modulation of Terahertz radiation, Supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers; Ensembles of interacting solitons; Modulation instability in optical fibers; Soliton lasers.
Condensed Matter Physics: Nano-structuring in chalcogen/chalcogenide and metal/chalcogenide multilayers; Quantum size effects and tunability of optical parameters in amorphous semiconductors.
Photo response of both 2D materials as well as the thin films towards photodetector and sensors.
Ongoing Project
VX2 (X = S, Se, Te) nanomaterials with their semiconducting and magnetic properties for optoelectronic and spintronic applications, DST-SERB, 42 lakhs,2023-2026 , File No- CRG/2022/003084
Completed Project
Photo induced optical property study in chalcogenide thin films, DST, India 35 lakh, Completed ,2012-2017 No. DST/INSPIRE Faculty Award /2011 PH-IFA-11, 11th May 2012
Thermal and light stimulated diffusion in Bi related chalcogenide thin films BRNS, DAE Completed, 24.48 lakh , 2016-2019 No.37(3)/14/02/2016-BRNS/37016
Swift heavy ion induced mixing of Bi/As2Se3 bi-layers for tailoring the properties of the Bi/As2Se3 composite system, IUAC, New Delhi, 6.03 lakh, Completed -2015-2018 No. IUAC/XIII.7/UFR-58306